Page:The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms.djvu/143

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sitions and “Conclvsion.”Before G21 on a folding sheet is “Table difinissante & diuisante toute l’Apocalypse.G21–Ff12, pp. 51–234 [226], “Le Second Et Principal Traité Avqvel (Selon Les Fondemens Desja posez) toute l’Apocalypse est paraphrastiquement interpretée, & appliquee aux matieres, selon leur histoire, & datee du temps, auquel chaque chose doit arriuer, auec annotations sur chaque difficulté, & argumens sur chaque chapitre.” ; at the beginning of each chapter is “L’Argument.”, followed by “Le Texte”, “L’Exposition Paraphrastique”, “An de Christ”, and “L’Application historique,” in four parallel columns (the 3d and 4th of which are wanting in the chapters mentioned in the Edinr. 1593 edition), and at the end of each chapter are “Annotations, Raisons, & Amplifications.” Ff21–Ff32, pp. 235–238 [227–230], are “Av Lectevr Mal-content.”Ff41–Ii11, 19 pages, “Table De Tovtes Les Matieres Principales Contenves, Tant au premier qu’au second Traité sur l’Apocalypse,” arranged alphabetically; at foot of last page “Fautes suruenues en impression.” 4 lines.Ii12, blank.

Signatures, ã in four + ẽ in three (leaf ẽ4 being cut out), + A to Z and Aa to Hh in fours + Ii in one = 132 leaves.

Paging. 14 + (238-8 for error=) 230 numbered + 20 = 264 pages.

Errors in Paging. Numbers 81 to 90 omitted, and 98 & 137 twice repeated = −10 + 2 = −8.

The Tables are on two folding sheets which precede A11 and G21.

In all the French editions, the lines “The Book this bill sends to the Beast.…” and ‘The Oracles of Sibylla’, are omitted. The addition here made to the title of the First Table appears in the English editions as a note at the end of the Table.

Libraries. Adv. Ed.; Nat. Paris;

Ovvertvre|De Tovs Les|Secrets De L’Apo-|calypse, Ov Reve-|lation de S. Iean.|En deux traités, l’vn recerchant & prouuant la vraye interpretation |d’icelle: l’autre appliquant au texte ceste interpretation| paraphrastiquement & historiquement.|Par lean Napeir (C. A. D.) nompareil Sieur|de Merchiston, reueiie par luimesme:|Et mise en Francois par Georges Thomson Escossois.|

Va, pren le liuret ouuert en la main de l’Ange. Apoc. 10. 8.|Hola Sion, qui demeures auec la fille de Babylon, sauue-toi. Zach. 2. 7.|Je te conseille que tu achetes de moy de l’or esprouué par le fen,|afin que tu deuiennes riche.|Et que tu oignes tes yeux de collyre, afin que tu voyes. Apoc. 3.18.|Qui lit, l’entende. Matth. 24. 15.

A La Rochelle,|Pour Timothee Iovan.|M. DC. II.|
