Page:The Damnable Life and Death of One Stubbe Peeter.djvu/10

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dacions of all thoſe that knewe her: And ſuch was his inordinate luſt and filthye deſire toward her, that he begat a Childe by her, dayly vſing her as his Concubine, but as an inſaciate and filthy beaſt, giuen ouer to woork euil, with greedines he alſo lay by his owne Siſter, frequenting her company long time euen according as the wickednes of his hart lead him: Moreouer being on a time ſent for to a Goſſip of his there to make merry and good cheere, ere he thence departed he ſo wunne the woman by his faire and flattering ſpeech, and ſo much preuailed, ye ere he departed the houſe: he lay by her, and euer after had her companye at his commaund, this woman had to name Katherine Trompin, a woman of tall and comely ſtature of exceeding good fauour and one that was well eſteemed among her neighbours. But his lewde and inordinat luſt being not ſatiſfied with the company of many Concubines, nor his wicked fancye contented with the beauty of any woman, at length the deuill ſent vnto him a wicked ſpirit in the ſimilitude and likenes of a woman, ſo faire of face and comelye of perſo- nage