Page:The Damnable Life and Death of One Stubbe Peeter.djvu/9

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murdered thirteene yong Children, and two goodly yong women bigge with Child, tearing the Children out of their wombes, in moſt bloody and ſauedge ſorte, and after eate their hartes panting hotte and rawe, which he accounted dainty morſells & beſt agreeing to his Appetite.

Moreouer he vſed many times to kill Lambes and Kiddes and ſuch like beaſtes, feeding on the ſame moſt vſually raw and bloody, as if he had beene a naturall Woolfe indeed, ſo that all men miſtruſted nothing leſſe then this his diueliſh Sorcerie.

He had at that time liuing a faire yong Damoſell to his Daughter, after whom he alſo luſted moſt vnnaturallye, and cruellye committed moſt wicked inceſte with her, a moſt groce and vilde ſinne, far ſurmounting Adultrye or Fornication, though the leaſt of the three dooth driue the ſoule into hell fier, except hartye repentance, and the great mercy of God. This Daughter of his he begot when he was not altogither ſo wickedlye giuen, who was called by the name of Stubbe Beeil, whoſe beautye and good grace was ſuch as deſerued commen-