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He promised to go, and he did, much to my satisfaction.

I now had the means of inoculating any number of persons with anthrax, and no one knew that such a bacillus was in my possession.

It is a very uncommon condition, and the ordinary cultivation tubes could easily be traced in London, if necessary. But here, as I say, I was safe from possession of the virus being attributed to me, if anything untoward did crop up.

What a small and hopeless fool is man, if fate is against him!

I was always more or less in attendance on Lady Michelcombe, who was a petite fragile-looking little woman, with large dark eyes, which opened wide when she talked to you, and a charming, although somewhat childish manner. A very lovable little lady, who looked upon Michelcombe himself, big, burly, and overbearing as he was, as her lord and master, in very truth.

A woman who deserved to be loved and made much of; really a very pleasing character, and yet Michelcombe wanted her out of the way.

I must say I had a few qualms of conscience at the idea of doing this, but I was dreadfully