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pushed for money; you see, I have such expensive tastes, and it is marvellous how money goes.

I went a few days after my return from Dingley to pay a professional call on Lady Michelcombe, whom I found lying on a sofa, clad in a most fascinating garment, which somehow fixed itself on my mind. It was pale yellow, made of some soft clinging material, loosely made and yet at the same time seeming to fit everywhere.

You will say to yourself. Brown, "It is about time the poor fellow was out of it, if he is coming to this." Well, I suppose I am feeling a bit strained to-night, and I couldn't help thinking about that frock. Lady Michelcombe looked more childish than usual that morning.

"You wicked man, you've quite deserted me lately; now come and confess to me. Who is it?"

"My dear Lady Michelcombe, instead of chiding, you should pity me," I answered. "I have been using great self-control in remaining away for the week I arranged, and overcome the temptation to run in and see you every day."

"I don't think I shall believe you," she said,