Page:The Discovery of a World in the Moone, 1638.djvu/198

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of a new World.

so except the Sunne, though Cusanus thinkes there is one also, and later times have discovered some lesser Planets moving round about him. But as for Saturne he hath two Moones on each side, Jupiter hath foure, that incircle his body with their motion. Venus is observed to increase and decrease as the Moone, Mars and all the rest, derive their light from the Sunne onely. Concerning Mercury there hath beene little or no observation, because for the most part, he lies hid under the Sunne beames and seldom appeares by himselfe. So that if you consider their quantity, their opacity, or these other discoveries, you shall finde it probable enough, that each of them may be a severall world. But this would be too much for to vent at the first, the chiefe thing at which I now ayme in this discourse, is to

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