Page:The Discovery of a World in the Moone, 1638.djvu/199

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The discovery

prove that there may be one in the Moone.

It hath beene before confirmed that there was a spheare of thicke vaporous air encompasing the Moone. as the first and second regions doe this earth. I have now shewed, that thence such exhalations may proceede as doe produce the Comets: now from hence it may probably follow, that there may be wind also and raine, with such other Meteors as are common amongst us.[1] This consequence is so dependant, that Fromondus dares not deny it, though hee would (as hee confesses himselfe) for if the Sunne be able to exhale from them such fumes as may cause Comets why not then such as may cause winds, and why not such also as cause raine, since I have above shewed, that there is Sea and Land as with us. Now raine seemes to be more especially requisite for them,

  1. De meteor l. 3. c. 2 Art. 6.
