Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/533

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RECENT CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC HISTORY IN GERMANY 511 U ztariz and Ulloa, by Wirminghaus, is a contribution to a better understanding of the mercantile school so greatly calumniated by Adam Smith. Similar merit is due to Oncken, who has brought us to a deeper knowledge of the physiocrats by his essay The Elder Mirabeau and the Economic Society in Bern ? (1886), as well as by his interesting essay on The Maxim Laissez faire et laissez passer; its Origin and Formation ? (1886), and finally by editing the works of Quesnay (1888). In two essays published in the Tii. binger Zeitschrift, 1889, 1891, Fellbogen treats of the relation of Adam Smith to Sir James Steuart and David Hume. Zeyss teaches us in his essay entitled Adam Smith and Self- interest 3 (1889), what was the great English economist's general philosophy of life in its bearings on political economy. The writer of this essay has attempted to elucidate the philosophic principles which nnderlie the political economy founded by Franqois Quesnay and Adam Smith? Mention should be made of Karl Walcker's Adam Smith the Founder of Political Economy ? (1890). The writer of this essay has recently published Inqui.ris Concerning ,4dam Smith and the Development of Political Economy ? (1891). Mr. Jenks, the American writer, has published a critical exposition of the theories of Henry C. Carey ? (1885). Nor has the literature of Socialism failed to find zealous students. Diehi has devoted a monograph of considerable length to Proudhon (1888, 1890). Then Dietzel, of repute as an acute theorist, is engaged in the production of an exhaustive work on Karl Rodbertus, two parts of which are already published (1886, 1888). But the highest level of intellectual excellence in this field is unquestionably attained by Schmoller in his work Contributions to a History of the Literature of Political and Social Science s (1888), a collection of essays on certain eminent writers on political economy, distinguished by acute analysis, broad views, and a conciliatory attitude. We come now into the domain of facts, where the books may be distinguished as purely historical or purely descriptive. Those ? Der dltere Mirabeau und die Okmwmische Gesellschaft in Bern. ? Die Maxime laissez faire et laissez passer, ihr Ursprung, ihr Werden. a Adam Smith und der Eigennutz. Eine U?tersuchung ttber die philosophischen Grundlagen der alteren NationlOkonomie. 4 Die Albjemeinen Philosophischen Grundlag. e? der yon Francois Quesnay und Adam Smith be?rttndeten Politischen Oekonomie. ? Adam Smith der B?rttnder der Politischen Oekonomie. ? Untersuchunqen tiber Adam Smith und die Entwicklunq der Politischer? Oekonomie. ? Henry C. Carey als NationalOkono:n. s Zur Litteraturgeschichte der Staats. ttnd Sociahcisscn?,chaften.