Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/534

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512 THE ECONOMIC JOURN,aL which combine in their treatment both development and present conditions I shall mention where appropriate. Three monographs on population occupy a prominent position. The Population of the Gr?eco-Roman World ? (1886), by Beloch is a compilation and a criticism of everything throwing light upon the circumstances of population in the ancient world. Jastrow's book on The Number of Inhabitants in German Towns at the End of the Middle Ages and at the Beginning of the Modern Era ? (1886), possesses, apart from the data it furnishes, a high theoretic value through the instruction imparted in the methods of investigation and in the courses pursued by research hitherto. Biicher, in an exhaustive work on The Populatio? of Frankfurt-on-Main in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries s (1886), has accomplished valuable and pregnant investigations, worthy of being classed with those of SchSnberg and Schmoller. Several economists have been engaged upon English political economy and social politics. An exhaustive work by Philippovich yon Philippsberg, The Bank of England in the Searvice of th? Fiscal Administration of the State ? (1885), depicts the relations of that great credit-institution to the administration of the Treasury and public debts from its foundation up to the present day. Weyer in his book Factory Inspctio? in England ? (1888), gives a general account of English factory legislation, but makes the inspection of factories the central theme. To Faber we are indebted for a work of merit on The Rise of Agrarian Protection in England ? (1888). Yon Schulze-C?vernitz has given us in his notable book Social Peace ? (1890)a picture of the social and political education of the English people in the nineteenth century. He has striven to show how the combined effect of labour unions, legislation, and the influence of men like Carlyle, the Christian Socialists, Pusey, Ruskin, Comte, Toynbee and others, has tended to lead England into the path of social peace. Pringsheim has published Contributio?s to the History of Economic Developme. t in the United Netherlands in the Seven- teenth and Eighteenth Centuries s (1890). ? Die Bev?lkerung der griechisch'rOmischen Welt. 0- Die Volkszahlen deutscher Stiidte zu Ende des Mittelalters und zu Begin? der Ne?tzeit. ? Die BevOlkerung yon Frankfurt aiM. im 14. und im 15. Jahrhundert. 4 Die Bank yon England im Dienst der Finanzvcrwalt?ng des Staates. ? Die englische Fabrikinspection. ? Die Entstehun(j des Agrarschutzes in Engla?d. ? Zum sociale? Frieden. s Beitr?le zur wirtschaftliche? Entwicklungsgschichte der vereinigten ictndc i.t 17. und 18. Jahrhtt?tdcrt.