Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/537

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RECENT CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC HISTORY IN GERMANY 515 The author in the first place sets forth the gradual development of manorial tenure and vassalage in Prussia to the east of the Elbe clown to the beginning of the measures enacted by the kings of Prussia for the protection of the peasant. Secondly, he discloses the connectin? links between the measures of the eighteenth century and the reforms of the Stein and Hardenberg ministries. ?Vith these two works, which have thrown so much light on the economic history of Prussia, we may class a number of able publications written by disciples of Schmoller and Knapp, e.g. The Decli?e of the Peasantry and the Ris? of Manorial Tenure in New H ither-Pomerania and Riigen ? (1888), by Fuchs; On the Legal Relations between Landlord and Tenant in the Mark of Brandenburg from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century; ? His- tory of Taxation in Magdeburg from the Time of the Reformation down to the Eighteenth Century ? (1888), by Bielfeld; The Leading Reforms in Direct Rural Taxation in Prussia during the Eighteenth Century ? (1887), by Zakrzewski; History of Prussian Fiscal Administration from 1766 to 1786 ? (1888), by Schultze; and The Organization and Support of the Prussian National Militia in the Seven Years' War ? (1888), by Schwartz. The efforts made by Germany to found transpontine colonies have directed attention to the earlier colonial policy of Prussia, viz., in Schiick's treatise on Colonial Policy in Brandenburg- Prussia under the Gre?t Elector and his Successors ? (1889), and in Frederick the Great's Asiatic Companies s (1890), by Ring. Longer periods are covered by such works as The Finding and Modelling of Amber and the Amber Trade in Prussia from the Time of the Order ? down to the Present Day ?o (1887), by Tesdorpf; Pforzheim in the Past n (1889), by Gothein; The earliest Industrial ? Der Unterganq des,Bauernstandes und das Aufkommen der Gutsherrschaften i? Neuv?mern und R?jen. ?- Ueber die gutsherrlich'bduerlichen Rechtsverh?ltnisse in der Mark Brandenburg yore 16 b/s 18 Jahrhundert. ? G?schichte des magdeburgischen Ste?wrwesens yon der Reformatim?zeit bis in's 18. Jahrhundert.

  • Die wichtigerer? preussische? Refornwn der directen ldndlichen Steuern im 18.

Jahrhundert. ? Geschichte der irreussischen Regieverwaltung yon 1766-1786. a Organisation und Verpfle?unq der preussische? Landmilizen im siebenjdhrigen K?ege. ? Brandenburg'Preussens Colonialpolitik unter dem grossen Kurfursten und seinen Nachfolgern. s Die asiatischen Handlunqscompa?nier? Friedrichs des Grossen. ? i.e. of the knights of the "German Order." ?o Gewinnunq, Verarbeitunq und Handel des Ordens?eit bis gut Ge?enwart. ? t?forzheim's Verganqenlwit. Bernsteins i? Preusse? yon der LL2