Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/538

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516 THE ECONOMIC JOURNAL Associations in the Town of Wernigerode ? (1890), by Meister, who traces their history from the thirteenth down to the beginning of the present century, and Backhaus's Developme?t of Agricul- tural Economy on the Domains of the Co?ts of Stolberg- Wernigerode ?' (1888). In this work as well as in recently published works by Migerka and Herkner we come nearer to our own times. I allude to .4 Retrospect of the Woollen Ind?stry i?z Bri?nn from 1765 to 1864 s (1890), by the former, and to The Cottw? Industry and its Operations in Upper .4lsace 4 (1887), by the latter, who gives an account of the leading features in the development of this manufacture from the middle of the last century down to the present day. Akin to this book is Emanuel Sax's Domestic Industry in Thuringia, ? which has been recently completed, the first part having appeared in 1882. Few works have so largely contributed to our knowledge of industrial circumstances in Germany. Lange has published a book On the Glass Manufacture in the Valley of Hirschberg ? (1889). Thanks to these, as well as to what Thun has written on the industries of the lower Rhine district, Bein on the industries of the Saxon Voigtland (1883-1884), and Schanz on colonization and industry in Franconia (1884), though a work of a more historic character, we can take a more enlightened view of the national situation. Nor must I omit Morgenstern's The Faundries of Fi?rth ? (1890), giving an account of the development of that industry from the beginning of the last century, and Zimmermann's book, Tl?e Florescence and Decline of the Line? Manufacture in Silesia (1885) s is valuable as the history of the development of a domestic industry. Then we have Mamroth's comprehensive History of Taxation in Prussia, 1806-1816 ? (1890); The .4dministration of the Revenue in Baden from 1868 to 1889 ?0 (1889), by Philippovich, an author I have already cited; an instructive inquiry into Population and Domestic Industry in the Kreis n of Schmalkalden sb?ce the Begin- Die iiltesten gewerblichen ?rbdnde der $tadt Wernigerode. Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft auf den Grdflich Stolberg-?i?igerodische? Rtlckblick auf die Schafwollindustrie Brtlnns, 1765-1864. Die oberels.dssische Baumwollindustrie und ihre .4rbeiter. Die Hausi?tdustrie in Thtlringen. Die Glas.industrie im Hirschberger Thal. Die Fitrther Metallschldger. Bltlte ?tnd Vetfall des Lei?engcwerbses in Schlesien. Geschichte der preussischen Staatsbesteuerung, 1806-1816. Der badische Staatshaushalt van 1868-1889. Territorial unit of Central Government.