Page:The Elder Edda and the Younger Edda - tr. Thorpe - 1907.djvu/376

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  • SYN, signifying equity; syn. defence, excuse, negation, impediment, which has been personified into a judicial goddess.
  • SYNIR, having a fine appearance.
  • TANNGNIOSTR, Gnashing-teeth; to bruise, crack, grind, gnash.
  • THEKKR, to know; E. to think. The adj. thekkr means also amiable.
  • THODNUMA, men, people, nations.
  • THOR, contraction of Thonar, a word indicating a God who, like Thor, presided over thunder and atmospherical phenomena.
  • THORINN, from thor, audacity; whence the v. thora; to dare.
  • THRAINN, the Pertinacious; from the v. thra, to desire vehemently.
  • THRIDI, The Third.
  • THROR, ph. from v. throa, to increase, to amplify.
  • THRUDUR. Thrudr is an obsolete N. word signifying fortitude, firmness; but it appears to have originally had, in most of the Teutonic languages the sig. of maiden, virgin; and was afterwards used in the sense of witch, sorceress.
  • THRUDVANGR, the Abode or Region or Fortitude.
  • THRYM. P. Mag. says the word is undoubtedly derived from thruma, thunder.
  • THUNDR, can be derived from thund, a breastplate, a coat of mail.
  • THYN, to thunder, to make a thundering noise, as a rapid current does.
  • TYR, signifying God; as well as the L. Jupiter, for which he assumes a nom. Ju or Jus, Jupiter.
  • URD, VERDANDI, and SKULD, the Present, Past, and Future. The names of the Destinies of the Present and Past.
  • UTGARD, prop. UTGARDR, lit. Outer-ward. See Midgard.
  • VAFTHRUDNIR, from the v. vefa, to involve, prop. to weave.
  • VAFUDR, the Weaver, or the Constrainer.
  • VAKR, VAKUR, alert, lively, vigilant.
  • VALASKJALF, choice, election.
  • VALFADIR, or VALFODUR, lit. the Choosing Father.
  • VALHALLA, prop, VALHOLL, lit. the Hall of the Chosen: may also have originally indicated a temple.
  • VALKYRJOR, or VALKYRJUR, sing. VALKYRJA, lit. Choosers of the Slain; denoted the slain in battle; a poetical word for a field of battle.
  • VANADIS, prop. a Goddess of the Vanir. See that word, and Dis.
  • VANIR, beautiful; with the L. venustus and Venus, and ph. with the E. wench.
  • VASADR, from vas, moisture, a word cog. with the E. wet and wash.
  • VE. Was used in the m. sing. to express a particular god; that in the pl. it would be vear, gods, idols; a temple.