Page:The Elder Edda and the Younger Edda - tr. Thorpe - 1907.djvu/377

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  • VEDURFOLNIR might be rendered Storm-stilling; causing serenity.
  • VEGSVINN, lit. Road-knowing.
  • VERATYR, lit. the Man-god.
  • VESTRI, west, occidental.
  • VIDAR, a tree; wood; and prob. also weed and withy.
  • VIDBLAINN, expanded azure (lit. Wide-blue).
  • VIDFINNR, wide, vast.
  • VIDOLFR, or VIDALFR, lit. Sylvan Elf.
  • VIDRIR, Moderator of the weather; to still the weather.
  • VIGRID, from vig, a battle; battle craft, the art of war.
  • VILI, Will. To will; to choose; to elect.
  • VILMEITHR, an old word for tree.
  • VIN, and VINA, a friend, to love, to favour; winsome.
  • VINDALFR, Wind Elf.
  • VINDSVALR; vindr, wind: and svalr, cold, glacial.
  • VINGOLF, lit. the Abode of Friends; golf means lit. a floor.
  • VOLUNDR. The word denotes a skilful artificer, in which sense it is still used by the Icelanders; he is a famous workman—a Wayland—in iron; and they very appropriately term a labyrinth a Wayland-house.
  • VOLUSPA, a sybil or prophetess.
  • YGGDRASILL, from Ygg, one of Odin's names (see the following word) and drasill, bearing; hence, according to F. Mag., it would sig. bearing (producing) rain, or bearing Odin.
  • YGGR., to meditate, and also to fear; hence the word might be rendered by either the Meditating or the Terrible.
  • YLG, the Howling; to howl.
  • YMIR, a confused noise, like the rustling of trees when shaken by the wind; also the clang of metals.