Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/95

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Marcus Antoninus.

federates came on more Fierce and Formidable than before : The Wars against Hannibal, and the Cimbri, did not carry more Terror along with them : In some of the first Disputes, the Emperour had the worst on't : For probably 'twas in this War, that that Defeat was given to his Troops, which had likely to have cost him the Loss of Aquileia, which happen'd in the manner following.

Alexander, who pretended to Prophecy, and whose Life is written by Lucian; [1] had so great a Reputation at that time, that People look'd upon him as a kind of Deity : This Impostor had the Confidence to send the Emperour this Oracle in Verse.

Gurgitibus fluvii turentis ab imbribus Istri

Immississe duos Cybeles edico Ministros ;

Monte feras alitas ; tum quantum alit Indicus aer

Florum atq; Herbarum beneolentum; moxq; futura est,

Et Victoria, pax & amabilis, & Decus ingens.

Two Slaves of Cybel's, [2] with Arabian Sweets,

Let them be thrown info the Ister's Stream;This

  1. Lucian. in Pseudomane.
  2. Two Lions.