Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/96

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The Life of the Emperour

This Water Sacrifice will rout the Foe,

And bless the Empire with a glorious Peace.

Antoninus comply'd with the Oracle either out of a Superstitious Principle, [1] or else to satisfy the Army, whose Spirits he believ'd would be raised by such an Expectation. The two Lions were accordingly thrown into the River, with a great Quantity of Sweet Herbs, Flowers, and Gums. These Lions had no sooner cross'd the River, but the Enemy knock'd them on the Head. Soon after the Battel began; and the Romans were so ill handled that they lost above twenty five thousand Men, and were pursued as far as Aquileia which had certainly been taken by the Barbarians had not the Emperour rallied his Troops and performed the part of a brave and experienced General. And now the Dishonour his Men had receiv'd, fir'd their Courage, and made them fight the better, insomuch that they routed the Enemy, and at last drove them out of Pannonia. [2]

While this War was depending, the Moors harass'd Spain ; and the Egyptian Heardsmen as they were call'd, being a sort of Banditti, run to Arms, and being headed by a Priest, and one Isidorus, a stout Fellow, [3] surpriz'd a Roman Garrison. The Stratagem was this. They disguis'dthem-

  1. Baron. ad Ann. Chr. 171.
  2. Hungary. An. Dom 170. 171. or as some say An. Dom. 168.
  3. Dio.