Page:The Emphasised Bible - Vol 1.djvu/42

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GENESIS I. 11—31; 11. II. 1—5.

dry-ground| ||land||, but <the gathering together of the waters> called he |seas|.And God saw´ that it was |good|.

11 And God said´—

Let the land put-forth vegetation—herb´ yielding seed, fruit-tree、[1] bearing fruit、 after its kind, whose seed is within it、 on the land.

And it was´ so. 12 And the land brought-forth´ vegetation—herb´ yielding seed after its kind、 and tree´ bearing fruit、 whose seed is within it、 after its kind. And God saw´ that it was |good|.13 So it was evening—and it was morning、 |a third´ day|.

14 And God said´—

Let there be luminaries[2] in the expanse of the heavens, to divide between the day and the night,—and let them be for signs、 and for seasons,[3] and for days and years; 15 yea let them be for luminaries、 in the expanse of the heavens, to give light on the earth.

And it was´ so. 16 And God made´ the two great´ luminaries,—the greater luminary to rule the day, and the lesser luminary to rule the night, ||also the stars||. 17 And God set´ them in the expanse of the heavens,—to give light on the earth; 18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw´ that it was |good|.19 So it was evening—and it was morning、 |a fourth´ day|.

20 And God said´—

Let the waters swarm´ [with] an abundance of living soul,[4] and ||birds|| shall fly over the earth, ||over the face of the expanse of the heavens||.

21 And God created´ the great sea-monsters,—and every living soul that moveth—[with] which the waters swarmed´ after their kind、 and every winged bird—after its kind. And God saw´ that it was |good|. 22 And God blessed´ them、saying,—

Be fruitful and multiply、 and fill the waters in the seas, and let the ||birds|| multiply in the land.

23 So it was evening—and it was morning、 |a fifth´ day|.

24 And God said´—

Let the land |bring forth| living soul、 after its kind, tame-beast[5] and creeping thing and wild-beast[6] of the land、 after its kind.

And it was´ so. 25 And God made´ the wild-beast[6] of the land、 after its kind, and the tame-beast、 after its kind, and every creeping thing of the ground、 after its kind. And God saw that it was |good|.26 And God said´—

Let us make man[7] in our image、 after our likeness,—and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea、 and over the bird of the heavens、 and over the tame-beast―and over all the land,[8] and over every creeping thing、 that creepeth on the land.

27 And God created´ the man |in his own image|,

<In the image of God> created he |him|,—
<Male and female> created he |them|.[9]

28 And God blessed´ them, and God said´ to them—

Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth、 and subdue it,—and have dominion over the fish of the sea、 and over the bird of the heavens, and over every living thing that moveth on the land.[10]

29 And God said´—

Lo! I have given to you—every herb yielding seed which is on the face of all the land, and every tree wherein is the fruit of a tree、 yielding seed,—<to you> shall it be、 for food; 30 and to every living thing of the land—and to every bird of the heavens、 and to every thing that moveth on the land、 wherein is a living soul, ||every green herb for food||.

And it was´ so. 31 And God saw´ every thing which he had made, and lo! it was |very´ good|. So it was evening—and it was morning、 |the sixth´ day|.

21 Thus were finished´ the heavens and the earth、 and all their host. 2 Thus God finished´ |on the seventh[11] day| his work which he had made, and rested,[12] on the seventh day, from all his work which he had made. 3 And God blessed´ the seventh´ day, and hallowed it,—because <therein> rested he from all his work which God |by creating| had made.[13]

§2. Second Account of Creation: The Garden—Man under Command—The Formation of Woman.

4 ||These|| are the geneses[14] of the heavens and the earth、 when they were created,—in the day when Yahweh[15] God made earth and heavens. 5 Now ||no bush of the field|| as yet—was in the

  1. Some cod. (w. Sam., Jon., Sep., Syr., Vul.): "and fruit tree"—Gn.
  2. In ver.3, 'ôr, light diffused; here mâ˙ ôr, affording light.
  3. Most likely "sacred seasons"—O.G. Cp. Ps. civ. 19.
  4. Note the collective use of the word. Same word: vers. 21, 24, 30 where the partitive sense is to be carefully observed), and ii. 7, 19, etc. Cp. N.T. Ap.: "Soul."
  5. Prop. "dumb"; esp. "tame."
  6. 6.0 6.1 Ml: "living thing;" "esp. 'wild,' as opposed to 'tame'"— Davies' H.L. "=wild animals, on account of their vital energy and activity"—O.G. 3.2,b, b.
  7. Heb. 'âdhâm. Prob. akin to 'admâhâh, "ground" (chap.) ii. 7)—Davies, Fuerst.. "Earth-born"—Kalisch. Perh: "red," "ruddy"—T.G.
  8. Gt (w. Syr.): "over all the wild-beasts of the land"―G.n.
  9. The first snatch of poetry in the Bible, Cp. Intro., Chap. I., p. 2.
  10. The Sep. ends the verse thus (after the word "heavens"):—"and over all tame-beasts, and over all [the wild-beasts of] the land, and over every creeping thing that creepeth on the land"—G.r.n.
  11. A correction (w. Sam. & Sep.): "sixth"—G.r.n.
  12. Or: "ceased," "kept sabbath." "God's rest arises rather from the joy of achievement than from the relief of fatigue"―Murphy. Cp. Ps. xcv. 11.; Heb. iii. 11, 16; iv. 1-11.
  13. "He made creatively, i.e. perh. by making it anew out of chaos"—Davies H.L. Rather differently: "so as to make (or in making) which he created"—O.G. 517a,7,b (a).
  14. "Lit. begettings of heaven and earth i.e., account of heaven and earth and that which proceeded from them"—O.G. 410.
  15. See Intro., Chap. IV.