Page:The Emphasised Bible - Vol 1.djvu/43

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GENESIS II. 6—25; III. 1-8.

earth, and ||no herb of the field|| as yet had sprung up,—because Yahweh God had not sent rain´ on the earth, and ||man|| was there none´ to till the ground; 6 but ||a vapour|| went up from the earth,—and watered all the face of the ground. 7 So then Yahweh God formed´[1] man, [of the] dust of the ground, and breathed in his nostrils the breath[2] of life[3]—and man became a living soul.

8 And Yahweh God planted´ a garden in Eden、 on the east,—and put there´ the man whom he had formed.

9 And Yahweh God |caused to spring up| out of the ground、 every tree pleasant to the sight and good for food,—and the tree of life、 in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.[4]

10 Now ||a river|| was coming forth out of Eden, to water the garden,—and <from thence> it parted, and became four heads.[5] 11 ||The name of the one|| is Pishon,—||the same|| is that which surroundeth all the land of Havilah, where is gold;[6] 12 moreover ||the gold of that land|| is good,—<there> is the bdellium and the beryl stone. 13 And ||the name of the second´ river|| is Gihon,—||the same|| is that which surroundeth all the land of Gush. 14 And ||the name of the third´ river|| is Hiddekel, ||the same|| is that which goeth in front of Assyria; and ||the fourth river|| is Euphrates.

15 So Yahweh God took´ the man,—and placed him in the garden of Eden, to till it, and to keep[7] it.

16 And Yahweh God laid command´ on the man、 saying,—

<Of every tree of the garden> thou mayest ||eat||; 17 but <of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil>[4] thou shalt not eat of it,—for <in the day thou eatest thereof> thou shalt ||die||.

18 And Yahweh God said´,

It is ||not good|| that the man should remain´ alone,—I will make for him a helper, as his counterpart.

19 Now Yahweh God had formed´ from the ground every living thing[8] of the field、 and every bird of the heavens, which he brought in unto the man, that he might see what he should[9] call it,—and <whatsoever the man should call it—any living soul> ||that|| should be the name thereof.20 So the man gave´ names to all the tame-beasts、[10] and to the birds[11] of the heavens, and to all the wild-beasts[8] of the field,—but <for man> had there not been found a helper、 as his counterpart. 21 So Yahweh God caused a deep sleep to fall on the man、 and he slept,—and he took one of his ribs, and closed up flesh instead thereof. 22 And Yahweh God builded´ the rib which he had taken from the man into a woman, and brought her in unto the man. 23 And the man said,

||This||[12] one ||now|| is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh!
||This|| one shall be called Woman,[13] for <out of a man>[14] hath this one been taken.

24 <For this cause> will a man leave his father、 and his mother,—and cleave unto his wife, and they[15] shall become one´ flesh.

25 And they wore both of them naked, the man and his wife,—and put not each other to shame.[16]

§3. Paradise lost: Mercy triumphant: Faith in exercise: the Tree of Life guarded.

3 1 Now ||the serpent||[17] was more crafty than any living thing[18] of the field which Yahweh God had made,— so he said unto the woman,

Can it really be、 that God hath said,
Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

2 And the woman said´ unto the serpent,—

<Of the fruit of the trees[19] of the garden> we may eat; 3 but <of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden> God hath´ said、
Ye shall-not eat of it、 neither shall ye touch it,—lest ye die.

4 And the serpent said´ unto the woman,—

Ye shall not ||die||.[20] 5 For God doth know, that <in the day ye eat thereof> then shall your eyes be opened´,—and ye shall become like God,[21] knowing good and evil.[22]

6 And <when the woman saw´ that the tree was good´ for food、 and that it was desirable´ to the eyes、 and the tree was pleasant´ to make one knowing> then took she of the fruit thereof、 and did eat,—and she gave to her husband also、 along with her, and he did eat. 7 Then were opened´ the eyes of them both, and they knew that <naked> they were´,—so they tacked together fig-leaves, and made for themselves girdles.8 Then heard they the

  1. "Prop. "cut," hence "form," "fashion": used of a carver, joiner, smith, oftenest potter (Isa. lxiv. 8). N.B.: applied to man's spirit in Zech. xii. 1.
  2. Or: "spirit." Heb.: neshâmâh, which is either synonymous with ruah, "spirit" (Ecc. xii. 7). Cp. Job xxxii. 8; xxxiii. 4; Prov. xx. 27; Isa. xlii. 5); or else, as the activity of ruah, presupposes it (Gen. vii. 22. cp. Ps. xviii. 15).
  3. Ml: "lives." Perhaps originally, "living ones"; hence, abstract, "the state of living ones," "life." It is unsafe to build an argument on this plural. Cp. "faces" for "face" (chap. i. 2), and many other words.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Or: "of blessing and misfortune."
  5. Or: "beginnings."
  6. Ml:"the gold"—prob. the article of "species."
  7. Or: "guard."
  8. 8.0 8.1 Or: "wild-beast." Cp. chap. i. 24 n.
  9. Or: "would." But prob. "should"—as if to say, "That the man, seeing it, might determine what would be its fitting name."
  10. Cp. chap. i. 24. n.
  11. Some cod. (w. Jon., Sep., Syr., Vul.): "and to every bird"—G.n.
  12. Fem. nearly="she."
  13. Heb.:'ishshah, "female man" (from 'ish, "man," or "husband"). Possibly: "manward." the ah being that of direction.
  14. Heb: 'ish. Some authorities (Sam., Sep.) have: "out of her husband"—G.r.n.
  15. Some (Jon., Sep., Syr., Vul.) add: "twain." One (Sam.): "there shall become, of them twain"-G.r.n.
  16. An exact rendering. Indirectly confirmed by note to Prov. xxvi. 11 from Sep.
  17. For em. on "serpent," see Intro., Chap. II., Synopsis, A, a.
  18. Or: "wild-beast"—Cp. chap. i. 24, n.; chap. iii. 14.
  19. Gt. (w. Sep.): "Of the fruit of every tree"—G.r.n.
  20. Em. "by repetition." Cp. Intro., Chap. II., Synopsis, B, b.
  21. Or: "gods." Heb.: 'elohim.
  22. Or: "blessing and misfortune."