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Illustrations in Vol. 111.


Nest of Black Duck (Anas superciliosa) ... plate i

Taking Nest of White-tailed Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus baudini) plate ii

Home of Rock Field- Wren and Blue-breasted Wren ...plate iii

Rookery of Sooty Terns, Upolu Bank, Great Barrier Reef ... plate iv

Heads (natural size) of Gymnorhina longirostris and G. tibicen ... plate v

Chestnut-faced Owl, showing remnant of nest-down ... plate vi

Adelia Penguin (Pygoscelis adeliæ) ... plate vii

Colonel W. V. Legge, F.Z.S., &c. (first President of the Aust. O.U.) ... plate viii

Scrub-Tit {Acanthornis magna) and Nest ...plate ix

Gymnorhina dorsalis—Immature female, mature male and female ... plate x

Play-ground of Tooth-billed Bower-Bird (Scenopæus dentirostris) ... plate xi

Dead Black and White Fantail and Young, found after a flood ... plate xii

Ouandong (Santalum) Tree, showing "Emu Berries" ... plate xiii

In the Wongan Hills ... plate xiv

Haunt of Redthroat, Chestnut-rumped Tit, &c. ... ... plate xiv

Old Egg-mound of Gnou or Mallee-Fowl (Lipoa ocellata) ... plate xv

Carter Honey-eater (Ptilotis carteri)... ... ... ... plate xvi

Brown-headed Honey-eater (Melithreptus brevirostris) ... plate xvi