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went with her lover; and the Râjaputra, too much ashamed of his failure to say anything, let her go without a word. Indeed, who that has given his affection to women has not suffered for it ? For it has been said —

" Even Brâhma himself fell into the snare; who can be a match for women ? Women are the root of the tree of painful existence, the ground in which grows the tree of wickedness, the flower from which comes the fruit of penitence. How can women bring peace ? From women spring confusion; confusion overtakes those who have to do with women. Casting them off, then we may perhaps attain to happiness."

Prabhâvatî answered the Parrot and said —

" But women are the cause of existence; women are the cause of growth;

Women are the cause of pleasure. How can they be evil ?

Without them there can be no enjoyment; without them no pleasure.

Without them a man is of no account."

Also —

" Women have been created as a jar of ambrosia; a mine of pleasure; the abode of love. What can bring peace and happiness more than the society of a lovely woman ? "