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The Parrot heard what she had to say, and replied: " There is a good deal of difference between coats of mail, elephants, and horses — between wool, wood, and stone — between water, women and men."

Story LX

A CERTAIN king built a magnificent hall, and adorned it lavishly with gold and jewels. A neighbouring sovereign, hearing of its splendour, sent an envoy called Haridatta, with a present of elephants, horses and jewels, to find out whether the hall were as magnificent as it was reported to be. When he arrived he interviewed the king, and said: " Sir ! Your Majesty ! May I be allowed to see the famous hall that you have built ? " The king willingly assented and told Haridatta that he should see it on the following morning. Next day the envoy was conducted to the hall, and he was so dazzled with its magnificence, that he could not make up his mind whether it was real, or whether he was dreaming. So he took a nut out of his pocket and threw it on the floor, which convinced him of the reality of all that he saw, and he returned home filled with astonishment and admiration.