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SO the Brâhman and the princess enjoyed the delights of sovereignty. Not long afterwards, however, the goblin came and carried off Sulochanâ. The family were distracted, and sent to ask a famous magician to come and help them. He declined to have anything to do with the business on any terms, so the Brâhman started off on his own account to try and get Sulochanâ out of the goblin's clutches.

When he reached the place, the goblin jeered at him, making use of all kinds of insulting expressions. " I have carried out my part of the business," he said. " Now, my reverend friend, look out for yourself."

The Brâhman said nothing, but waited a minute, and then went up to the goblin and whispered: " Listen ! Karagarâ is coming, she is just behind me. I came on in advance to tell you." This was enough for the goblin, and hearing Karagarâ's name he dropped Sulochanâ, took to his heels, and gave the Brâhman no more trouble.

So the Brâhman having accomplished his mission returned with high honour to Mrigavatî.