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THERE was a king called Narada, in Patalîpura. He was the sovereign of the whole world, for by his wisdom and the wisdom of his ministers all kings and princes were made subject to him. Now King Narada lost all his sense of duty, and was on the point of gambling away both money and kingdom when he was prevented from doing so by his prime minister. The stupid king was very angry at his will being opposed and put his prime minister, whose name was Sakatala, in prison. Sakatala remained so long in the prison that people began to think that he must be dead. Just about this time the king of a neighbouring country sent some messengers to Narada with a couple of mares to test his abilities. The point put before the king was this. Of the two mares which is the dam, and which is the filly. The mares were exactly alike in all points, and persons, skilled in horse- flesh, were summoned from all parts of the kingdom to give their opinion. No one, however, could be found to find an answer to the question; so Sakatala, the late minister, occurred to Narada, for it was quite clear that without him neither king nor country were of much account. It is said — " The overthrow of an honest and virtuous minister endowed with wisdom means the over-