Page:The English housekeeper, 6th.djvu/417

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Allice, to broil, 128
Anchovy toasts, 185
Artichokes, to boil, 221
Jerusalem, ib.
bottoms, 222
Asparagus, to boil, 215
Bacon, to salt and cure, 25, 26
to boil, 65
to broil or fry, 90
Baking, directions for, 81
Beans, Windsor, 217
French, 218
Beef, to joint, 45
to carve, 49
to salt, 29
to smoke, 30
round of, to boil, 61
edge-bone of, to do., ib.
brisket of, to do., ib.
sirloin of, to roast, 69
rump of, to do., 70
ribs of, to do., ib.
steaks, to broil, 83
with potatoes, 84
to fry, 88
to stew, ragout, or braise, 136
à la mode, 137
to collar, 138
royale, ib.
to fricandeau, ib.
bouilli, 140
steaks, to stew, 141
rolled, 142
olives, ib.
marrow bones, 143
heart, ib.
hunter's, ib.
Hamburgh, 144
hung, 144
à la Flamande, ib.
to press, ib.
to hash or mince, ib.
cecils, 145
collops, ib.
en Miroton, 146
bubble and squeak, ib.
to pot, ib.
Beer, to brew, 334
ginger, 346
spruce, ib.
Beet root, to boil, 219
Birds, small, to roast, 79
Biscuits, to make, 276
Indian corn, 277
Dr. Oliver's, ib.
lemon, ib.
Blanch, directions to, 134
Boiling, general directions for, 59
Boudins, to make, 171
Braise, directions to, 135
Brawn, mock, 175
pickle for, 30
Bread border, a, 181
to make, 268
French, 270
rice, ib.
Brill, to boil, 116
Brocoli, to boil, 216
to fry, ib.
Broiling, general directions for, 83
Broth, Scotch barley, 108
mutton, 109
veal, ib.
chicken, ib.
Butter, to make, 350
without a churn, 351