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NUN FREUT EUCH. (8 7. 8 7. 8 8 7.)
Melody by M. Luther, 1483–1546.
Slow and dignified 𝅗𝅥 = 50.
Adapted and harmonized by J. S. Bach.

\new ChoirStaff <<
  \new Staff { \clef treble \time 4/2 \key g \major \partial 2 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" \omit Staff.TimeSignature \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \override Score.BarNumber  #'transparent = ##t
  \relative c''
  << { \bar".|:" g2 | g d g c | b a g \fermata \bar"||" g | a4( b) c2 b a \break
       e( fis) g \fermata \bar":|." g | c b a d | d cis d \fermata \bar"||" d \break
       e c d2. c4 | b2 a g \fermata \bar"||" b | a d, g c | b( a) g \fermata \bar"|." } \\
  { d2 | d a d g | d d4.( c8) b2 b4( cis) | d( f) e( fis) g2 d4( a8 b)
    c1 b2 d | g4( a) a( g8 fis) e2 a4( fis) | e( g) g( fis8 e) fis2 g
    g g a4( fis) g( a) | a( g2) fis4 e2 e | e4( d8 c) b2 e4( d) e( fis) | g2. fis4 d2 } >>
\new Staff { \clef bass \key g \major \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  \relative c'
  << { b4( a) | g2 fis g2. fis4 | g2. fis4 d2 g | fis4( gis) a2 d,4( e) fis2
       g( a) d, b' | e4( d) d2 cis d | b a a d
       d4( c8 b) c4( e) d( c) b( a) | b8( c d2) c4 b2 g | a g4( a) b2 a | d2.( c4) b2 } \\
  { g,4( a) | b( c) d( c) b2 a | g4( b) d2 g, \fermata e' | d a b4( c) d2
    c4( b a2) g \fermata g'4( fis) | e( fis) g2 4( a8 g) fis4( b) | g( e) a2 d, \fermata b
    c4( d) e2 fis4( d) e( fis) | g2 d e \fermata e | fis g4( fis) e2 a, | b4( c d2) g, \fermata } >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 2 = 50 }

A. T. Russell, 1806–74, and others.

THE Lord ascendeth up on high,
Loud anthems round him swelling;
The Lord hath triumphed gloriously.
In power and might excelling:
Hell and the grave are captive led;
Lo, he returns, our glorious Head,
To his eternal dwelling.

2 The heavens with joy receive their Lord;
O day of exultation!
By Saints, by Angel-hosts adored
For his so great salvation:
O earth, adore thy glorious King,
His Rising, his Ascension sing
With grateful adoration.

3. By Saints in earth and Saints in heaven,
With songs for ever blended,
All praise to Christ our King be given,
Who hath to heaven ascended:
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
The God of heaven's resplendent host,
In bright array extended. Amen.

<< <<
\new Staff { \clef treble \time 4/2 \key g \major \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  \relative c'' { << { g1 g \bar"||" } \\ { e d } >> }
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { A -- men }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key g \major \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  \relative c' { << { c1 b } \\ { c,1 g } >> }
>> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 2 = 50 }