a point to the north-west of Khorda, and to the south of Artwin, continues in a straight line as far as the River Tchoroukh, crosses this river and passes to the east of Aschmichen, going in a straight line to the south so as to rejoin the Russian frontier indicated in the Treaty of San Stefano, at a point to the south of Nariman, leaving the town of Olti to Russia. From the point indicated near Nariman the frontier turns to the east, passes by Tebrenec, which remains to Russia, and continues as far as the Pennek Tschaï.
It follows this river as far as Bardouz, then turns towards the south, leaving Bardouz and Jönikioy to Russia. From a point to the west of the village of Karaougan[1], the frontier takes the direction of Medjingert, continues in a straight line towards the summit of the Mountain Kassadagh, and follows the line of the watershed between the affluents of the Araxes on the north and those of the Mourad Sou on the south, as far as the former frontier of Russia[2].
Batoum.Art. LIX. His Majesty the Emperor of Russia declares that it is his intention to constitute Batoum a free port[3] essentially commercial.
Retrocesion to TurkeyArt. LX. The valley of Alaschkerd and the town of Bayazid, ceded to Russia by Art. XIX of the Treaty of San Stefano, are restored to Turkey[4].- ↑ This point was fixed by a mixed Commission, on which Major-General Hamley was the chief British representative, at Stamboul on 17th May, 1880.
- ↑ The new frontier, from the point near Karaougan, was fixed as is described in the note to Art. 60, infra. The 'former frontier of Russia' is a portion of that laid down in 1857, 1858, by the Delimitation Commission appointed under Art, 30 of the Treaty of Paris. Supra, p. 253.
- ↑ I. e. open to ships of all nations, without payment of customs on goods re-exported.
- ↑ The territory thus retroceded is traversed by an important caravan route. The following agreement was signed at Berlin, on 12th July, 1878, on behalf of Great Britain and Russia :
'The more detailed tracing of the line of the Alashkerd shall be carried out on the spot, in conformity with the Treaty of Berlin, by a military Commission, composed of a Russian ofl&cer, an Ottoman officer, and an English officer. SALISBURY. SCHOUVALOFF.'
This agreement was carried out by a Commission, on which Major-General Hamley was the principal British representative, and the new frontier was traced from the point near Karaougan to the point where it falls into the former frontier near Mount Tendourek. See the Protocols, and final Act signed at Kara Kilissa on nth August, 1880, in Pari. Papers, 1881, Turkey, No. 10.