Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/150

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himself before God, replied Eber; but he must not struggle the less to free himself from his sin. There are many sicknesses for which no cure is known; they can only be willingly borne; but for sin of every kind there are remedies at hand, and alas for him who seizes them not! By confession and prayer to God, by making reparation to man where we have offended, by controlling the desires of the heart, by studying and waiting upon God's will, — the sinner may become holy, and the penitent spirit may attain peace. O Havilah! teach thy child from this day how fearful is sin, and how the disobedient are wretched above all who suffer! Teach him, that though neither thou nor he can know what shall be appointed to him on the judgment-day, it is the duty of both to hope that he shall be found pure and happy. If the means are used, he shall surely become so; and look whether the means be not in thine hand.

Ought not Moses, said Aza, rather to have had compassion on Adam, than to have reproached him for his disobedience?

The rebukes which are spoken to sinners by God, replied Eber, are uttered to alarm and bring back the guilty, and to deter others from