Page:The Fall of Maximilan's Empire.djvu/89

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His secretary, Colonel Luis de Vidal y Rivas, who was on shore at the time of his leaving the "Virginia," did all in his power to have him released. Immediately upon hearing of the occurrence, he called upon the Imperial Commissary and related to him what had been done, dwelling with emphasis on the great disrespect shown to the authorities in plain, sight of the town and in presence of Mexican officials. Señor Bureau was probably not very much grieved over the turn affairs had taken, and replied that he could do nothing lest the two steamers should bombard the city. The colonel then went to the United States Consulate to make a formal protest; but Mr. Saulnier contented himself with replying that what had taken place had been done without his knowledge, but that he had just been assured that the general would be released the next day.

The detention of the general was indeed to be only temporary; but when released he was not to be put on shore, but sent out of the country. General Benavides sought to have this intention given up, and to have him guarded until affairs could be arranged. In his letter urging this upon Captain Roe, he represented that the general was a fugitive from justice. "You know he has fled from debts, and that he is at liberty under a bond of thirty thousand dollars, which he laughs at. This conduct is not strange in Santa Ana. He is a man who does