Page:The Fall of Maximilan's Empire.djvu/90

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not know modesty, and he is a trickster. Well, then, I believe you would do right to secure his person, since he is a fugitive, and hold him pending the action of the tribunals of the United States. You will permit my friendship to give you this indication and advice. Besides, it is in the interests of humanity that we secure this fatal man, who has caused so many evils in the world."

These representations, however, did not influence Captain Roe. Whether or not Santa Ana was a fugitive from justice was of no interest to him in his line of duty. But he deemed it necessary to distinctly prove to Mexico, and to the world, that the government of the United States had not in a day changed its entire line of policy, as had been asserted by the general, and lent the moral support of its countenance to such schemes. To do this effectually, he had decided to simply send him out of the country, and had ordered the "Virginia" to stop at Sacrificios on her way to sea the next morning, and anchor off the "Tacony's" port bow. This was done, and Mr. Saulnier came down in her to announce that her papers were settled and that she was ready for sea. General Santa Ana was transferred to her, and Captain Deaken was directed to proceed on his way to New York. Permission was given him to touch at Sisal and Havana, his ports of call, but he was positively ordered not to land Santa Ana anywhere in Mexico.