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Which shall be his, beside a cash endowment.
And as they tell me that he loves thy daughter,
And she returns his love, I have no doubt
Thou wilt award thy fatherly consent
To the fulfilment of thy daughter's wish,
Thus heightening self my offer's gracious terms.


'Tis not the choice that meets with my approval,
Yet my antipathy shall not debar
The welfare of the State, when for its good
This marriage is essentially required.

Santa Anna.

I knew too well thy patriotism, or else
Should have been loath to forestall thy decision,
Yet should thy offer even not avail
Against the rebel's pride, there still remains
His brother's fate as means of thy persuasion;
This card, reserved till last and well applied,
Must make thy mission a complete success.
So hasten to prepare thee for thy way,
And when returned, report immediately
Thy errand's and thy skill's result to me.

[Exit Bradburn.]


Can it be thy intention,—speak!—to grant
Such terms of favor to a rebel-hord
Who took from us, through stealth and stratagem,