Page:The Federal and state constitutions v5.djvu/539

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together, in the most convenient place, in every county of this province and territories thereof, then and there to chuse one person, qualified as aforesaid, in every county, being one-third of the number to serve in provincial Council, for three years; it being intended, that one-third of the whole provincial Council, consisting and to consist of eighteen persons, falling off yearly, it shall be yearly supplied with such yearly elections, as aforesaid; and that one person shall not continue in longer than three years; and in case any member shall decease before the last election, during his time, that then, at the next election ensuing his decease, another shall be chosen to supply his place for the remaining time he was to have served, and no longer.

III. That, after the first seven years, every one of the said third parts, that goeth yearly off, shall be incapable of being chosen again for one whole year following, that so all that are capable and qualified, as aforesaid, may be fitted for government, and have a share of the care and burden of it.

IV. That the provincial Council in all cases and matters of moment, as their arguing upon bills to be passed into laws, or proceedings about erecting of courts of justice, sitting in judgment upon criminals impeached, and choice of officers, in such manner as is herein after expressed, not less than two-thirds of the whole shall make a quorum; and that the consent and approbation of two-thirds of that quorum shall be had in all such cases, or matters, of moment: and that, in all cases and matters of lesser moment, one-third of the whole shall make a quorum, the majority of which shall and may always determine in such cases and causes of lesser moment.

V. That the Governor and provincial Council shall have the power of preparing and proposing to the Assembly, hereafter mentioned, all bills, which they shall see needful, and that shall, at any time, be past into laws, within the said province and territories thereof, which bills shall be published and affixed to the most noted places, in every county of this province and territories thereof, twenty days before the meeting of the Assembly, in order to passing them into laws.

VI. That the Governor and provincial Council shall take care that all laws, statutes and ordinances, which shall, at any time, be made within the said province and territories, be duly and diligently executed.

VII. That the Governor and provincial Council shall, at all times, have the care of the peace and safety of this province and territories thereof; and that nothing be, by any person, attempted, to the subversion of this frame of government.

VIII. That the Governor and provincial Council shall, at all times, settle and order the situation of all cities, and market towns, in every county, modelling therein all public buildings, streets and market places; and shall appoint all necessary roads and highways, in this province and territories thereof.

IX. That the Governor and provincial Council shall, at all times, have power to inspect the management of the public treasury, and punish those who shall convert any part thereof to any other use, than what hath been agreed upon by the Governor, provincial Council and Assembly.