Page:The Federal and state constitutions v5.djvu/540

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X. That the Governor and provincial Council shall erect and order all public schools, and encourage and reward the authors of useful sciences and laudable inventions in the said province and territories thereof.

XI. That one-third part of the provincial Council, residing with the Governor, from time to time, shall with the Governor have the care of the management of public affairs, relating to the peace, justice, treasury and improvement of the province and territories, and to the good education of youth, and sobriety of the manners of the inhabitants therein, as aforesaid.

XII. That the Governor, or his Deputy, shall always preside in the provincial Council, and that he shall, at no time, therein perform any public act of state whatsoever, that shall, or may, relate unto the justice, trade, treasury, or safety of the province and territories as aforesaid, but by and with the advice and consent of the provincial Council thereof.

XIII. And to the end that all bills prepared and agreed by the Governor and provincial Council, as aforesaid, may yet have the more full concurrence of the freemen of the province and territories thereof, it is declared, granted and confirmed, that, at the time and place in every county for the choice of one person to serve in provincial Council, as aforesaid, the respective Members thereof, at their said meeting, shall yearly chuse out of themselves six persons of most note, for virtue, wisdom and ability, to serve in Assembly, as their representatives, who, shall yearly meet on the tenth day of the third month, in the capital town or city of the said province, unless the Governor and provincial Council shall think fit to appoint another place to meet in, where, during eight days, the several Members may confer freely with one another; and if any of them see meet, with a committee of the provincial Council, which shall be, at that time, purposely appointed, to receive from any of them proposals for the alterations, or amendments, of any of the said proposed and promulgated bills; and on the ninth day from their so meeting, the said Assembly, after their reading over the proposed bills, by the Clerk of the provincial Council, and the occasions and motives for them being opened by the Governor or his Deputy, shall, upon the question by him put, give their affirmative or negative, which to them seemeth best, in such manner as is hereafter expressed: but not less than two-thirds shall make a quorum in the passing of all bills into laws, and choice of such officers as are by them to be chosen.

XIV. That the laws so prepared and proposed, as aforesaid, that are assented to by the Assembly, shall be enrolled as laws of this province and territories thereof, with this stile: By the Governor, with the assent and approbation of the freemen in provincial Council and Assembly met, and from henceforth the meetings, sessions, acts, and proceedings of the Governor, provincial Council and Assembly, shall be stiled and called, The meeting, sessions and proceedings of the General Assembly of the province of Pennsylvania, and the territories thereunto belonging.

XV. And that the representatives of the people in provincial Council and Assembly, may, in after ages, bear some proportion with the increase and multiplying of the people, the number of such representatives of the people may be, from time to time, increased and enlarged, so as at no time, the number exceeds seventy-two for the