Page:The Finding of Wineland the Good.djvu/256

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skipit með þeim, ok var þar við til þess er byrr kom, sá er þeim var hagstæðr út at taka. En áðr þeir Guðleifr skildu, tók þessi maðr gullhring af hendi'sér, ok fær í hendr Guðleifi, ok þar með gott sverð; en'síðan mælti hann við Guðleif: " Ef þér verðr auðit at koma til fóstr-jarðar þinnar, þá skaltú færa sverð þetta Kjartani, bóndanum at Fróðá, en hringinn Þuríði móður hans." Guðleifr mælti: " Hvat skal ek til segja, hverr þeim sendi þessa gripi? " Hann svarar: " Seg, at'sá sendi, at meiri vin var húsfreyjunnar at Fróðá en goðans at Helgafelli, bróður hennar. En ef nökkurr þykkist vita þar af, hverr þessa gripi hefir átta, þá seg þau mín orð, at ek banna hverjum manni á minn fund at fara, þvíat þat er en mesta úfæra, nema þeim takist þann veg giptusamliga um landtökuna, sem yðr hefir tekizt; er hér ok land [vítt ok] illt til hafna, en ráðinn ófriðr allstaðar útlendum mönnum, nema svá beri til sem nú hefir orðit."

Eptir þetta skildu þeir. [Þeir] Guðleifr létu í haf, ok tóku frland'síð um haustið, ok vóru í D.vflinni um vetrinn; en um sumarit sigldu þeir til islands, ok færði Guðleifr þá af höndum gripina, ok höfðu allir þat fyrir satt, at þessi maðr hafi verit Björn Breiðvíkingakappi; en engi önnur sannjTidi hafa menn til þess, nema þau sem nú vóru'sögð.' Eyrbyggja Saga, ed. Vigfusson, pp. 119-22.

(74) The paper manuscripts founded upon the text of the saga presented in H auk's Book are as follows:

In the Arna-Magnæan Collection, Copenhagen.

No. 118, 8vo. The first page of this manuscript bears the following title: ' Hier hefur Grænlan[ds Ann]ál. Er fyrst Saga e.dr [Hisjtoria Þorfinns Krt;-lsef[nis] Þordar sonar.' The saga, which fills twenty-four sheets, was written in the seventeenth century by Björn á Skarðsá. There are certain interpolations in the text, as on p. 15 b, concerning ' Helluland hið mikla,' p. 16, on the origin of the name ' Markland,' and on p. 19 b, concerning the Skrelling boats. With the exception of these inserted passages, and a few minor verbal changes, the text follows closely that of ÞsK.

No. 281, 4to. On the back of p. 83 [modern pagination] of this book is the title: 'Hier hef«r s0gu Þorfins Kallsefnis Þordarsonar.' It is a neatly written manuscript, in a hand somewhat resembling the elder vellum hands. On the back of p. 84 the passage from Landnáma: 'So se^/rAri forgylsson ad þa/ sumar fóru XXII skip,' &c., together with the list of colonists as given in the Flatey Book text, have been inserted by the scribe, and the fact noted at the bottom of the page. On p. 93 the saga concludes with the words: ' Vera Gud med oss,' as in Hauk's Book, which words are usually omitted from the paper transcripts of ÞsK. It is a good clear copy of the Hauk's Book text, one of the most accurate and useful. It was made by Sigurður Jónsson of Knör toward the close of the seventeenth century. [Cf AM. Katalog.]

No. 597 b, 4to. In the centre of p. 32 [modern pagination] is the title: 'Hier hefur S0gu Þorfins Kallsefnes Þordrtrsonan' This text, like that of 281, 410, has the interpolated passage from Landnáma, above noted; unlike 281, 4to, however, it is a careless copy, and contains many errors, as: ' kirtel ' for ' kistil,' ' fuller vonn ' for ' fulltrúann,' &c. It contains numerous marginal notes in an old hand, ends on the back of p. 41, and was written [cf. AM. Katalog] in the latter half of the seventeenth century.

No. 768, 4to. At the head of the first page of text of this manuscript is the title: ' Hier