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hefur Grænlands Annal, er fyrst Saga edur Historia Þorfins Kails efnis Þordar Sonar.' The saga contains thirty-eight pages, based upon the text of Hauk's Book, although with numerous additions from the narrative of the Flatey Book, as also concerning Helluland it mikla, &c. It is written in German script, dates from the seventeenth century, having belonged, according to Arni Magnusson's conjecture, in 1669, to Bishop Thord, from whom Thormod Torfæus received it. It would appear from a passage on p. 5 of this manuscript, that the scribe had access to Hauk's Book, for he writes: ' Þesser efterfarandi Capituli er einfalldliga efter Hauks Bök skrifadir,' &c.

No. 770 b, 4to. This manuscript contains two sagas written about 1770. The first of these, covering thirty-six pages, bears the title: ' Hier hefur Sögu Þorfinns Karlsefnis f'órdarsonar.' It is an almost literal transcript of the text of ÞsK.

No. 1008, 4to. Near the middle of this book is the saga bearing the title: ' Her hefr vpp sogu þeirra Þorfinnz Karlsefnis oc Snorra Þorbrandz sonar.' In the margin, in an old hand, are the words ' Fordret Mag. Joon Arnesen af AM,' and upon the same page Dr. Gudbrand Vigfusson has written 'eptir Hauksbók.' It is a fair copy of i'sK, written ca. 1700.

In the Royal Library, Copenhagen.

No. 1692, 4to [Ny kgl. Saml.]. This copy, written in cursive hand, in the last century, fills one hundred pages, and is entitled: ' Sagan af Þorfinni Karlsefni Þórðar syni.' According to an inserted note, the copy was made by J. Johnsen [Jon Jónsson] from AM. 281, 4to.

No. 1698, 4to [Ny kgl. Saml.]. This saga, which follows closely ÞsK, under the title: 'Her hefur upp S0gu þeirra Þorfin^s Karls-Efnis og Snorra Þorbrandssonar,' fills twentyseven pages of the manuscript, and was written, in German script, probably in the last century. This text is peculiarly interesting because of the variant it has from the words of the original in the passage describing the distance from Bjarneyjar to Helluland, which is thus given in this text: 'þaðan sigldu [þeir] iii dægur,' &c. [Cf. Note 46, p. 174.]

No. 1734, 4to [Ny kgl. Saml.]. This manuscript, while it does not contain ÞsK, does contain certain notabilia concerning Eric the Red, Greenland, the situation of Wineland, Albania [Hvitramannaland], &c., and on pp. 21 et seq. has an account of Þorbjörn, [sic] Kallz Efni. It was written in the last half of the last century by J. Johnson [Jónsson] after AM. 770 b, 4to.

No. 1754, 4to [Thott. Saml.]. This text of the saga, with the title: 'Her hefr upp sogu þeirra Þorfinnz Karlsefnis oc Snorra f-orbrandzsonar,' contains seventy-two pages, copied 'Ex codice vetusto membraneo in Bibl. Acad. Hafn. inter MSS. Arnse Magnæi, No. 544 in 4to.' As the scribe states, ' there are certain lacunae here and there in the Codex illegible by reason of smoke and age, which have caused certain lacunæ in this copy; ' it is otherwise a good clear copy, in running hand, of ÞsK, made at a time when Hauk's Book was in no better state than at present, as the lacunæ of the copy indicate.

The paper manuscripts founded upon the text [EsR] of AM. 557, 4to, are as follows:

In the Arna-Magnæan Collection.

No. 563 b, 4to. This is an inferior copy from the latter half of the seventeenth century. It is in running hand and contains nineteen pages. According to a slip, in Arni Magnusson's