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Kinsey: Gall Wasp Genus Cynips


Possible extensions of known ranges shown by shading.

Of speciosa: Holotype and 3 paratype females and galls at the Philadelphia Academy; paratype females and galls in the American Museum of Natural History, the Museum of Comparative Zoology, the U.S. National Museum, the Beutenmüller collection (?), and the Kinsey collection. From Napa City, California, E. H. King collector.

Type material of both echinus and speciosa, including the holotype of the latter, was examined in making the present re-descriptions.

This gall, found on the blue oak, Quercus Douglasii, is one of the most abundant of the cynipid productions in California. The young galls appear about the middle of July; in 1922 Leach failed to find galls at Diablo on July 4, but found young galls on July 17. The galls are mature by the first of September and are then very striking objects, forming deep, coral red clusters of spiny spheres on the under surfaces of the leaves. The larvae do not mature until later in the fall, transforming into pupae and adults in November. Emergence may occur as early as November 26 (in 1922 at Diablo), but