Page:The Genuine Speech of the Lord Lansdowne, against Repealing the Occasional and Schism Bills.djvu/11

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appear’d to be manifeſtly otherwiſe: The Church open’d Her Arms; the Clergy, the Biſhops, the King, condeſcended to invite them with all the Temptations of Indulgence and Chriſtian Charity: But, What was the Return? Nothing but moroſe, haughty Contradiction, or ſullen ſophiſtical Evaſion. They ſcorn’d to enter our Churches as Brethren and Fellow Chriſtians, but as Conquerors and Plunderers: They have no Grace but what is founded in Dominion!

Their Behaviour in the ſubſequent Reign is freſh in every One’s Memory: The unhappy Prince who ſucceeded, was Undone by giving Attention to their Addreſſes, and Depending upon their Promiſes.

That they have remain’d, as has been ſaid, not only Quiet, but appear’d Zealous in the preſent Eſtabliſhment, is no Wonder; for, Who but Themſelves, or their Favourers,
