Page:The Genuine Speech of the Lord Lansdowne, against Repealing the Occasional and Schism Bills.djvu/10

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times with Sham Plots, and ſometimes with Real Ones.

It was likewiſe alledg’d by the ſame learned Lord, That they were Hardly Us’d, Fin’d, Baniſh’d, Impriſon’d, &c. But, by his Lordſhip’s Leave, never upon a Religious Account: They might be puniſh’d for Breach of the Law, for diſturbing the publick Peace; for illegal Meetings and Aſſemblies, and other State Crimes; and what was there more in That, than in the preſent Caſe of the Non-jurors?

The Clemency of that Reign, even to Diſſenters, has been ſufficiently vindicated by a noble Earl, who was called up by ſome Reflections which fell from a Reverend Prelate, to give an Account of the intended Comprehenſion. Whereas that Prelate was pleas’d to lay the whole Blame of Diſagreement upon the Court and the Church; the Truth has
