Page:The Genuine Speech of the Lord Lansdowne, against Repealing the Occasional and Schism Bills.djvu/9

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Oppreſſion of other Sectaries, after having been themſelves the great Oppreſſors of Mankind; nor had they any other Chance for Deliverance or Revenge, but by recovering Regal Power under a Nominal King. This General Monk well knew, who was privy to all their Intrigues; and hence aroſe every Difficulty that encumbered him in the Proſecution of his own Scheme: He was under a Neceſſity to make uſe of their Diſcontent, and could neither entirely truſt, nor throw them off: But that the Monarchy was reſtored free and independant; the Church reeſtabliſh’d pure and undefiled, was owing to his ſingle Vertue, Generoſity, and good Conduct. No Thanks to the Preſbyterians.

Nor was King Charles ſcarce warm in his Throne, before they broke out into new Rebellions. And continued inceſſant Diſturbers of His whole Reign, ſome-
