Page:The Genuine Speech of the Lord Lansdowne, against Repealing the Occasional and Schism Bills.djvu/8

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introduced governing by Standing Armies? The Diſſenters: Who waſh’d their Hands in the Blood of their martyr’d Sovereign? The Diſſenters: Have they repented? No: They glory in their Wickedneſs at this Day.

A Very learned Lord has endeavoured to extenuate that Guilt, in Favour of the Preſbyterians; and would perſuade us, they performed good Offices at laſt to the Royal Family, and became Inſtruments in the Reſtoration.

What Offices? What Inſtruments? Upon what Terms did they reſort to the King? Upon no better, than their Brethren the Scots, invited him before. To have an inſignificant Tool of a King; a Cypher of a King to walk in their Leading-ſtrings; To reſtore themſelves, not their Prince, to Dominion, was their ſole Aim: They groan’d under the
