Page:The Genuine Speech of the Lord Lansdowne, against Repealing the Occasional and Schism Bills.djvu/7

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in Juſtice, call’d for Correction; and in Charity, for Prevention.

The bare Receiving the Holy Euchariſt, could never be intended, ſimply, as a Qualification for an Office, but as an open Declaration, an indubitable Proof of being, and remaining a ſincere Member of the Church. Whoever preſumes to Receive it with any other View, prophanes it; and may be ſaid to ſeek his Promotion in this World, by eating and drinking his own Damnation in the Next.

It is very ſurpriſing to hear the Merit of Diſſenters ſo highly extoll’d and magnify’d within theſe Walls: Who is there among us, bur can tell of ſome Anceſtor, either Sequeſtered or Murthered by them? Who voted the Lords uſeleſs? The Diſſenters: Who aboliſhed Epiſcopacy? The Diſſenters: Who deſtroy’d the Freedom of Parliaments, and
