Page:The Genuine Speech of the Lord Lansdowne, against Repealing the Occasional and Schism Bills.djvu/16

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Our Proteſtant Brethren, the States, were neither entruſted, nor conſulted, but ſeem to have been left like Slaves to follow the Dictates of Great Britain and France, and to Acceed implicitly at their Peril. They have indeed continued hitherto to Diſſent, perhaps in Time they may Occaſionally Conform, as Circumſtances may happen to preſs, but ’till then, our only Truſty Allies, ſeem to be our good Catholick Friends.

The Reverend Prelates who have exerted their Zeal in this Debate, having been inſtructed only to fulminate againſt the Teſt, without being let in to the Secret of dropping that Queſtion, have unfortunately emptied their Quiver in the Air, and may gather up their Spiritual Arrows again, to ſhoot at that Mark ſome other Time. One, however, there is, who muſt not be paſs’d by,
