Page:The Genuine Speech of the Lord Lansdowne, against Repealing the Occasional and Schism Bills.djvu/17

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who, wandering beyond the reſt, in a long Hiſtorical Collection from Pamphlets and Libels, has let himſelf looſe againſt the Sacred Memory of the Royal Martyr. He has accus’d him, if not of all Popery, of half Popery, very near Popery, almoſt all Popery—Wretched Sophiſtry! what is this School-Diſtinction betwixt almoſt all a Papiſt, and quite a Papiſt? Hard Fate of the Beſt of Men and Kings! He, who renounced the Purple to preſerve the Lawn; who dy’d for the Church; who is commemorated as a Martyr, by the Church; is yet expoſed, almoſt an Age after his deſcent from the Scaffold to the Grave, to be murder’d over again in his Fame, even in the ſupream Court of Judicature, by a Succeſſor in That venerable Order, That very Epiſcopacy for which He ſacrificed His Liberty, His Life, and His Crown. The execrable Wretch who ſever’d His Head from His Body, performed the inhumane Office in a Mask; but this Holy
