Page:The Gospel by Wireless - James Ebenezer Boon.djvu/12

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quite clearly." Sevenoaks: "The sermon was received by me absolutely perfect on a three-valve set." Eltham: "The address given in such a manner enabled me to concentrate on it much better than in a building."

The above are letters. This came by wireless just at the close of the first address, and came from a well-known summer resort on the East Coast: "Message received perfectly by great crowd on the sea front. Will take up a collection if it is desired." (I was not out for collections then.) In St Albans a man was sitting so quietly "listening in" that his wife was somewhat concerned at the unusual quietness, and asked him: "What is the matter with you, that you are so quiet?" and he, holding up his hand for silence, said: "I am listening to a sermon."

"Good for you," she replied. "I am glad to think that you are listening to something that will be for your good." I merely mention these to show the scope of the work, and to show and to prove that wireless for extending the Kingdom is there—if we can but use it.

". . . The harvest is for another" (John iii. 16) came to me—I never chose it—and as far as the text is concerned it has no equal. In the brief period of eight minutes placed at my disposal, I endeavoured to give to all my unseen hearers a message from what I believe to be the greatest text in the Bible. The peculiar con-