Page:The Gospel by Wireless - James Ebenezer Boon.djvu/13

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ditions of transmitting this message rendered my task somewhat difficult, and no doubt hindered me from saying all that I would have wished to have said, but I trust that these few words, coming to such a widespread audience with all the attraction of novelty in presentation, may be as seed sown, and that a harvest may not be denied.

All the music given was from records. Some people write and tell me how they enjoyed the singing of the choir: they ask if it was the choir in McDermott Road. It was not. "The Church's one Foundation" was the record of the City Temple Quartette. I am asked every day how I felt. I cannot tell. It was weird. We sometimes pray in a hurry: it goes from the bow at a second's notice. So did I pray then. The prayer was answered, the seed was sown; and as I raced all the way back to McDermott Road in my six-cylinder Chandler, I remembered one other text, at least, just then: "My Word shall not return to Me void": and may it be so for His Name's sake.

Let me say here what I have said elsewhere in these notes: wireless is just in its infancy. It can be used now, and used with good effect. Let us rise to it, and use it.

"Some men are born to greatness, other men achieve greatness; another lot get it in the back of the neck whether they like it or not." I am