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The Gospel by Wireless.

true that Christ died; and it is just as true that Christ rose from the dead. If Christ did not rise from the dead, then my text is useless and worthless; and well might the great Apostle write: "If Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain." Christ is more than a fact in history; Christ is a fact of eternity. Christ came from God, and went back to God. The fact of the resurrection is everything to the Christian; without that, nothing; with it, everything.

The fact of the future life. Christ taught many great and far-reaching truths when He was upon this earth, and He most certainly taught this, that the grave did not end all. Christ looked upon what we call death with supreme contempt. It was death by sin that was Christ's great and chief concern. Christ stands for all time as the great Unveiler of the unseen world, and in all His teaching I note this, that while other men speculate, and say "Perhaps," Christ affirms, and says "This is." Hear Him now, and hear Him as He speaks about the future life. You who are listening to me in the East of England, and you in the West, you who are in the North, and you in the South; listen:—"Let not your heart be troubled. In My Father's house are many mansions. I go—not to the grave, but I go—go—to prepare a place for all believers." Amen.