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The Gospel by Wireless.

In these days there seems to be a tendency in some quarters to decry the writings of the Old Testament. It has even been suggested that we discard the Old altogether, and confine our attention to the New. For the life of me I cannot see the reason of all this: as a matter of fact there is neither rhyme nor reason in any one part of it. As I said ten minutes ago, the Book is one, and one it is going to remain.

When I tell some men that I believe the Bible from cover to cover, they laugh; and the man who laughs last is said to laugh best. When I tell some men that I believe in the creation story just as I find it in Genesis, they laugh. When some men try to be clever and put that poser to me—poser as they think, mark you—when men ask me where Cain got his wife, they laugh. When I tell men that I believe what I read about Noah—Noah's ark—and the flood, they laugh; and when it comes to Jonah and the fish—they have a blue fit!

But wait a minute. There is a right way and a wrong way to read the Bible; and the whole volume is a closed book to the man who has not got the key.

It matters little to me whether God made the world in six days or six thousand years: all the lesson that I get from the creation story is this: that God made the world. That God made the world is more likely to be true than untrue. In