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can become a true spiritual teacher only when Who is a true spiritual teacher? one has realized God and received a Divine commission from Him. So commissioned were Narada,[1] Suka-deva and Sankaracharya.[2] If you are not com- missioned, who will listen to you? You know Calcutta and her fondness for the latest sensa- tion. Milk puffs up so long as it is over burning wood; but when the wood is withdrawn, the puffing ceases instantly. The people of Cal- cutta are fond of new sensations. They say they want water and they begin to dig a well at one place; but they give it up as soon as they find that the earth is hard and stony. They then set to work to dig at another place. Suppose the soil is sandy there; they will as readily give up digging at that spot. They will look about for another locality. That is the way with these people. Their good opinion is by no means worth having.

  1. Narada. In the Hindu Scriptures Narada is described as the Ideal lover of God. He communed with the Lord under all conditions. The Lord Vishnu selected him as His most beloved messenger.
  2. Sankaracharya was the commentator of the "Vedanta Sutras" and the greatest exponent of the Advaita (monistic) Vedanta. He lived in India in the eighth century A.D.