Page:The Government of Iowa 1921.djvu/180

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from among the candidates for Councilmen the voter may in cities of 25,000 or over select four, in cities of 2000 and under 25,000 two. When all votes are counted, the two candidates for the position of Mayor who have received the highest number of votes become the candidates for that office at the ensuing city election. In cities of over 25,000 the eight candidates for the Council receiving the highest number of votes, become the candidates for the Council. At the general municipal election the people choose one of the two candidates for Mayor, and four of the eight or two of the four, as the case may be, candidates for the Council.

Powers of the Commission.These five officers (or three in the smaller cities) constitute the Commission and are vested with all the legislative, executive, and judicial powers formerly vested in other agencies of the city government. The Mayor is designated as Superintendent of Public Affairs; and the positions of Superintendent of Accounts and Finance, Superintendent of Public Safety, Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements, and Superintendent of Parks and Public Property are distributed among the four members of the Council. In cities under 25,000 each member of the Council superintends two departments.

Responsibility and Recall.The Commission elects all of the city officers, who thus become directly responsible to the Commission. Each Commissioner takes charge of his department and is held personally responsible for the con-