Page:The Government of Iowa 1921.djvu/181

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ductthereof. Should any Commissioner be corrupt or negligent in the performance of his duties, he may be removed from office at any time by a process known as the Recall, which is accomplished as follows: when twenty-five per cent of the municipal voters properly sign a petition demanding the election of a successor to the person sought to be removed and file it with the city clerk, an election is ordered in which the person sought to be removed may be a candidate to succeed himself. The one receiving the highest number of votes at such election is declared elected.

Popular Legislation.As a further safeguard to public interest the initiative and referendum were added to the Des Moines Plan of city government. By the initiative and the referendum the people become the active source of power in the city, and the Council or Commission can neither force undesirable legislation upon them, nor refuse to enact that which the people want.

Compensation and Term of Office.The compensation of the Commissioners is thought to be sufficient to attract good men. The pay of both the Mayor and Council is based upon population and may go as high as $3500 for Mayor and $3000 for Councilmen. The Mayor, Council-men, and other officers under the Des Moines Plan, except those under the civil service, hold office for two years.

Advantages of the Plan.The chief advantages of the Des Moines Plan may be said to be (1) the adoption of