Page:The Gradual Acceptance of the Copernican Theory of the Universe.djvu/150

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Kircher, Athanasius (S. J.): Iter Exstaticum Cœleste, enlarged by Gaspare Schotto, S.J. Herbipoli, 1671.

Kromer, see Cromer.

La Galla, Julius Cæsar: De Phœnomenis in Orbe Lunæ Novi Telescopii usu a Gallileo Gallileo. Physica Disputatio. Venice, 1612.

Lambert: Système du Monde. 2me édit. Berlin, 1784.

Lange, J. R. L.: The Copernican System: The Greatest Absurdity in the History of Human Thought. No place, 1901.

Leadbetter, Charles: Astronomy of the Satellites of the Earth, Jupiter and Saturn, grounded upon Sir Isaac Newton's Theory of the Earth's Satellites. London, 1729.

Longomontanus, Christianus: Astronomica Danica. Amsterdam, 1640.

Luther, Martin: Tischreden oder Colloquia, ed. by Forstemann. 4 vol. Leipsic, 1846.

Mather, Cotton: The Christian Philosopher, a Collection of the Best Discoveries in Nature with Religious Improvements. London, 1721.

Melancthon, Philip: Initia Doctrinæ Physicæ, 2nd edit. Wittenberg, 1585.

Milton, John: Areopagitica, ed. by Hales. Oxford, 1904.

————: Paradise Lost, in Complete Poetical Works, ed. by Beeching. London, 1911.

Montaigne, Michel E. de: Apologie of Raymond Sebonde, vol. II in Essayes, trans, by Florio. 3 vol. London, 1908.

Moxon, Joseph: A Tutor to Astronomie and Geographie or an Easie and Speedy Way to know the use of both the Globes, Celestial and Terrestrial. 2nd edit. London, 1670.

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Piccioli, Gregorio: La Scienza del Cieli e dei Corpi Celesti, e loro meravigliosa Posizione, Moto, e Grandezza: Epilogata colle sue Figure quattro più famosi Sistemi dell'Universo Tolemaico, Copernicano, Ticonico, e Nomssimo. Colla patente Dimostrazione della quieta di nostra Terra, e che poco più, o