Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 9.djvu/373

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Banks and Bankers of Concord.


��prebends the true management of a financial corporation. He is an or- ganizer, a man to plan, to foresee and provide for obstacles, and to execute. He has originality, and a talent for finances. His elevation has been gained by improving his natural tal- ents, by hard and long-continued work, close application, and constant studv, until by right to him belono[s a command in the army of financiers, — men who, while increasing their own fortunes, are developing the resources of the country, and improving the values of all investments.

Mr. Thayer is clerk and director in the Contoocook Valley Paper Com- pany ; director, clerk, and treasurer of the Concord Cattle Company ; di- rector in the Lombard Investment Company ; director in the Johnson Loan and Trust Company ; treasurer of the city of Concord since 1879 ; treasurer of the Concord Hospital As- sociation ; and is interested in other corporations and associations. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to Blazing Star Lodge and Mount Horeb Commandery. He is an ardent Republican, and an active and influential member of the South Congregational church of Concord.

Mr. Thayer united in marriage, Oc- tober 20, 1874, with Sarah Clarke Went worth, daughter of Colouel Jo- seph Weutworth, of Concord, and their family consists of two children, Margaret and William Wentworth Thayer, A severe blow to them was the loss of their daughter, Edith Jen- nison Thayer, who died at the age of three and a half years.

Aside from his industrv, sood judgment, and financial ability, his pleasing address has won for Mr.

��Thayer, and for the bank, a multitude of friends. He is affable, courteous, polite. Socially he is a pleasing companion, not given to frivolity, but enjoying the society of friends. As a business man he is level-headed, of sound judgment, of sterling good sense ; enjoying to the utmost the confidence of the people. All recog- nize his eminent fitness for the re- sponsible places he fills.

Perhaps Mr. Thayer's most promi- nent characteristic is perseverance. Any object or scheme he undertakes to promote he will stick to until it is accomplished. He has great tenacity of purpose ; he is diligent in busi- ness, does not delay, but attends to all details promptly. He is a hard worker, and, being methodical, is en- abled to accomplish large results, and so manages as to have no friction with the other oflScers of the bank. He is verv considerate of the rights and comfort of the employes. Withal, he is public-spirited in the affairs of the church and of the state.


was organized in July, 1830. The incorporators were Samuel Green, Timothy Chandler, Joseph Low, Na- than Ballard, Jr., Samuel Morrill, Nathaniel Abbott, William Low, Jonathan Eastman, Jr., Nathaniel Bouton, Moses G. Thomas, and Da- vid L. Morril. The first trustees were Timothy Chandler, Nathan Bal- lard, Jr., Samuel Fletcher, Francis N. Fiske, Samuel A. Kimball, Jona- than Eastman, Jr., Nathaniel G. Up- ham, Isaac Hill, Richard Bradley, William Low, Robert Ambrose, Eze- kiel Morrill, Hall Burgin, William Gault, Stephen Brown, David George, William Kent, and Richard Bartlett.

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